I chose the theme this week and had all these grand ideas about running taps or photographing our cat, Dudley, who loves loves loves water, especially if it drips on his head - strange boy. We are also surrounded by ponds, lakes, streams (especially now that it is spring and all the snow is melting) and of course, the sea, and we still have some snow and ice around so the possibilities were endless.
My sisters picture is impressive, she was on the beach with her kiddie winkles and after a storm the waves were particularly active, so were the surfers. Of course, when they knew they were being photographed, they really put on a show! Sigh. I can't wait for our beach weather - I guarantee you there will be not a surfer in sight, being in a bay we don't get waves even though the seas off our coastline are what was responsible for the movie 'Perfect Storm'. Back to Heidi, I loved her choice, it holds the promise of summer:

My picture this week is from a neighbors pond. We went to feed her horses for her as she was away for the day and her fish were particularly active and making all kinds of swirls and ripples. Anybody looking at the photo could be forgiven for thinking that I dropped something into the water, but no. Just goes to show you, not everything is what it seems, and you can never know the truth just by looking at something, sometimes there is more going on beneath the surface than we realize which is almost always the case with people don't you think?
The other thing that I realized is that these beautiful ripples and swirls reached every inch of the pond, no part was left unaffected as they moved across the glassy top which holds another truth I guess, in how the affect of an action spreads and knows no boundaries, touching every corner of our pond. So I think it is important to be kind to each other.
I also took this picture, I loved all the woody earthtones, especially in the water, and the depth of the picture with another puddle behind the first:
And speaking of layers (you are getting a lot of pictures this week, but there is honestly A LOT of water around just now), I loved, loved, loved the layers of this one, the lake, the grass, the brush, the trees, the sky . . .
And finally, last one I promise, I took this one last night. It was already late - 6:30pm and already Thursday Heidi's time so I debated for a full 10 seconds on the legitimacy of a photo since it needs to be done by Thursday, but since it wasn't Thursday yet by me I decided it was a gray area (mind the pun). As I said it was late, it was snowing (growl) and I was on a busy street and I got hooted at - but it is such a desolate, sad looking place that I wanted to capture it, even in rush hour traffic on a busy street in the snow in the dark.
As it was taken on my point and shoot, I think it could do with a run through photoshop to give it better contrast, but again the depth of the picture appealed to me.
That's me for this week, my sister chose the topic for next week and I can't wait, I am going to have such fun with it and it is such a whimsical, uplifting topic - can't wait to get snapping!