Our car is making a whining noise from the back. Wheel bearing! I thought. So off to Toyota I go. No, not the wheel bearing. The viscous coupling in our rear diff is going and needs to be replaced - $2,100 in cash please. F@&%K!!! At this point I feel like throwing my hands up in the air, it has been one thing after another and we just don't seem to catch a break. Thousands of dollars in the last few months in unexpected expenses and now this . . . anyone got some lighter fluid and a match???
So, sorry my blog is late but it is a little hard to find my happy place this week and do some writing - however, life goes on and so must the play! Here is Claire's photo since she is the chooser of the topic this week:
Nice Claire - great texture and depth of field. If this is a laundry hamper I am even more impressed because lately, you can't even see mine for the piles it is emersed in. I have forgotten what it looks like, I wonder if it is white - I'll have to check!
Graceful and beautiful, lovely texture in the water offset by soft white - and I love the drips. Nice job. I had much the same idea this week . . . more about that later.
I have no idea what flowers these are - very pretty, do they come in purple? If they do I think I have some in my garden. Nice photo Linda. I also was thinking of flowers for this theme, and we have some really special white ones out in the garden with bright pink stems, but the idea is not lost . . .
My photo:
I took this on the pond accross the road from us. To be honest, I did not take it this week - there is no way I had the inner peace for a photo like this, my emotional state would have me photographing a great big junk yard where cars are smashed into tiny cubes and then sent to the incinerator . . . back to the swan. I took a few of these photos, here are some more . . .
I thought these might be nice printed on canvas for my daughters room one day . . . one day.
Well that is it for me this week. I am sorry I didn't get to embrace the theme this week, I wanted to, even had a great idea: shoes! This topic fell over Labor Day long weekend here in the U.S. which is the official marker on our calendar for when it becomes inappropriate to wear white shoes! Yes, you read right, from now until Memorial Day in the spring, it is taboo to wear white shoes, especially in business (I don't think sneakers count). If I had white shoes, I would have photographed them. I have a cream pair and thought of doing an overexposed black and white number to make them look white but then my car broke and I did not feel like photographing shoes anymore. Just junkyards with big cranes and smashy things . . .
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