Monday, February 13, 2012

TUM: Arrow

This was a theme we all struggled with, for what reason I am not sure.  Arrows indicate direction, and most of us are pretty content if we have direction, and if the paths in life were so well labeled wouldn't all our decisions be oh-so-easy?  Fulfilment is at the next left, a little further on to the right is happiness, you will know you are there when you have passed comfort and security.  Don't be fooled and take wealth arrow, because wealth is not where happiness is at - although that road is very smooth and well-paved.  They have the money to build nice roads and even put in some street lights, so the going may seem easy but joy and happiness are not necessarily down that way - depends on your map though.

I bought myself a book recently, I mentioned I am nurturing my creativity and this book is about personal maps.  Creatively putting down on paper your journey from there to here, and from here to . . . well, who can say for sure.  For me it is a good way to understand what makes me happy, and to have a visual understanding of my journey, where I am on the road because I can see where I have come from and where I am headed.  I don't think I believe in fate, because that would mean like a GPS, our way through this world is already mapped out and we just get to be lead by the nose.  I think we are in charge of our destinies, we get to choose our paths for sure, but I do believe in synchronicity - unrelated events coinciding at an unlikely point in time but occurring in a meaningful manner.  Like going on a road trip only to discover that unexpected surprise that made you want to change your plans.

My photo this week:
I just liked this one, even though I had to stand in the middle of a busy intersection with my unruly dog trying to operate my iPhone wearing clunky gloves.  Touch screens don't work with gloves on - you South Africans wouldn't know that, but they don't.  And I nearly dropped my phone in the puddle trying to prove it.
Claire's photo - beautiful as always, she truly does find the art in everyday things, it's a gift:
And next is Mariette, hers was not what she wanted, she took another photo in the dark and snow which I think is actually pretty cool - visit her blog to see what I am talking about - still, this one does the trick and given the week she has had you can't ask for more than that!  I like that she included a slither of horizon and you just can't see where the arrow leads. 
And finally, my dear sister-in-law who swam a mile on a windy day in open water in 43 minutes!  Well done Linda!  Her picture reminds me how many 'commands' get thrown at you at once sometimes:
Originally I didn't think I would be able to take a photo, I have had a challenging week myself and so when my sister posted her blog, I was just going to steal her photo (sisters can do that, clothes, shoes, lipstick, photos, Tupperware - they are all interchangeable and you only have to return them if asked, otherwise they become yours.  It's the rule).  Here is Heids/my photo:
The end is right over there.  She also wrote a beautiful blog about ends and beginnings, and nothing is ever truly the end, everything always, always continues - just different than it was before.  Ends are just new beginnings, it is about transition after all.  Transitions and choice.  Too true.

Finally, the end of my blog and the beginning of next week's theme.  But I snapped this too on my walk the other day and in honor of cupid this week, just had to include it! 
Happy week everyone!


  1. You must send me the name of that book, sounds like something I'd like to read ;-) and remember when you go about your maps remember:

    "A smooth sea never made a skilful mariner"

  2. The book is called "Personal Geographies - Explorations in Mixed Media Mapmaking" by Jill K. Berry. It is a fun book, and you can take from it what you like, it can be something deeply personal or just light-hearted and fun!

  3. I'm loving how we are all at different points in our lives, on different journeys......and really enjoy reading your blog each week.
