Saturday, March 3, 2012

TUM - Patterns

What a fun, lighthearted theme for this week, and shew, I needed it.  I had no inspiration though whatsover until a light dusting of snow turned everything white and black.  Linda was the first to submit her photo, so she's up first:
LOVED this.  Daisies are my favorite flower, they are such simple happy little things so I can't wait to read about the picture in Linda's blog.  Mariette next:
I loved the layers of patterns in this photo, both in the reflection of the water, and in the scales of the beautiful koi.  Just lovely Mariette.  Now Claire:
Light swirls on a wall from a lamp I am guessing.  So beautiful.  Since I think I gave you all enough to think about in my last post, I am just going to bombard you with pictures this week, starting with my first choice and the one I submitted for the theme:
It is of our parking lot at my packing facility in Hanover.  It looks like the Milky Way, I just loved it.  Here is another of some snow-flake dusted pine needles that carpeted my back yard:
And of our front steps:
And our gravel driveway:
Some big square cement bricks stacked in the Hanover packing facility:
A tarp ground cover:
Source of said pine needles:
Patterns are everywhere when you start looking for them, and I know a study was done once about how we humans actually do look for patterns all the time, in weather, in seasons, in days, it is part of our effort to understand the world we live in, and to try to anticipate what is coming next . . . which is green.

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