OMG! I don't know how it happened that I fell SO far behind. Time is such a brutal task master, he waits for no one, and he brings forth unpleasant things you don't want to come your way but they are in your path and Time marches you right right into the middle of them. Time has no compassion.
So, quick catch up because I am chasing Time again this morning (I swear he steals minutes here and there - not only is time not compassionate, but I am convinced he skims like a mafia casino boss!) Silhouette was a lovely theme, I think we should do it again. Mariette first:
Loved her pic, Mariette likes ducks, and I totally get the appeal, they break the surface tension of the water and our thoughts. They move without appearing to move, a duck in a pond is always so peaceful.
Claire next:
Love it Claire, very romantic. Are they walking towards the light or away from it?
And then mine:
So many of my photo's are of the woods around us, that's because I have to walk the dog and walking her off leash in the forest is far less stressful than having her drag me down a road, and it is the only time I can stop long enough to smell the flowers. April and Ryan often come with me, and it I really love it when they join me and we can catch up about our day - it's special.
Right, onwards we go . . .
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