Sunday, December 9, 2012

TUM - Feet

How much potential does this theme have?  Everything has feet, from desks, chairs and bath tubs to bugs, birds and people.  The inspiration is endless, the amount of time I have to give the project?  Not so much!  Looking back on my blogs I find there is a common thread running through so many of my posts.  I speak about how crazy life is, how busy I am, how tired I am, how little time I have.  This week was no exception, it feels as though as you move through the year the pace doesn't change, only the theme - either it is back to school, or it is crazy harvest week or it is sick employee week, all the cars break down week, Thanksgiving week and now, Christmas is looming.

I feel like we have lost the plot when it comes to this holiday.  We are supposed to be slowing things down, sipping cocoa with loved ones while throwing a log on the fire and reading a book or admiring the twinkling Christmas tree.  We are supposed to be prioritizing things of importance like family, generosity and spirituality, it should be a humble, peaceful, low key holiday don't you think?  In reality what it is, is frenzied and harried and the spirit of giving and generosity is catapulted into 'OMG!  I still have to buy presents for the bus driver, teachers, postman, trash collectors . . . . ' all the while retail stores eke every cent out of your wallet with Christmas songs, tinsel and clever product placement.

I think it also has something to do with the nearing of the end of the year.  All of a sudden in between trips to crowded malls and colorful wrapping paper and shiny bows, there are the end of year social obligations and everybody seems to try and cram as much as they can into the last few days of this year - not sure why that is.  But it is.

Anyway, speaking of Christmas and back to this week's theme, here we have Mariette's take:

Just lovely isn't it?  I think it is very sweet.  My 'feet' aren't so heavenly, they are more earth bound for sure.  We had a Christmas party at the barn last weekend, April rode a pony called Pixie in a drill team that performed to two carols - it was SO well done, and then the girls all dressed up their ponies in anything Christmas - from reindeer horns and bells to tinsel and bows, we had it all!  Decked with boughs of holly, they did a parade down the street and after THAT, the Clydesdale's came to give us hay rides.  AND then there was a Santa Gift Swap and cup cakes.  The perfect party if you are a little girl who is horse mad!  Anyway, so here is my picture of feet this week, it is of they Clydesdale's ENORMOUS hooves:

And just because I can't tell you all about the party and not include some photos, here is April on Pixie for the drill team:
And April in the parade on Mazoe (who has his winter coat now and is fuzzy wuzzy like a bear . . .)

And here are the owners of those very large feet.  They are the youngest team she has and are just learning how to be grownups.  Honestly, I wanted to bring them home with me, I have a soft spot for these  babies!

Did you know that Budweiser beer here in the U.S. uses Clydesdale's in their T.V. adverts?  The have become a brand icon and everybody waits for the Superbowl in the fall to see if they will be releasing a new ad, and they always deliver.  So I am going to sign off with not one, but TWO of their ads - I simply couldn't choose!  Enjoy!

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