Monday, October 24, 2011

Sweeping Change

Isn't it funny how things work?  Do you remember my post a while back about McDonalds and the change being discarded on the floor?  Here you go -  Topic: Arbitrary
Here is a photo from that blog, in which I happened to glance down to find some change on the tarmac of the drive through lane . . . .


Well, I am here to say that there has been a development.  I did happen to call their customer care line and ask that my suggestion be recorded somewhere: this change should be collected for a good cause.  And I emailed too and attached my photo.  Of course, I did not hear anything back, and did not expect anything to . . . well . . . . change


On my way through the drivethrough for an emergency cup of coffee one very wet, rainy delivery day I stopped to pay at Window 2 and hesitated - then smiled, and proceeded to hold up the entire line for this very special photo:


What is that?  The chance for you to donate your change to change a child's life - to make a sweeping change with what used to be change for sweeping outside McDonalds!  Now, I am not suggesting that my email to them with my photo attached motivated this, but regardless it did more to lift my spirits than the cup of coffee.

Pa di pa pa paaaa - I'm loving it!!

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