Thursday, July 14, 2011

Through the Eyes of Just Me . . . for now, Topic: Arbitrary

I was driving in the car with my son the other day and he says 'mom, what does arbitrary mean?'  Um, it means not really related to anything else, like, by chance, not expected.  I just looked it up and it apparently it actually means determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle.  Isn't that a GREAT theme for a photo blog?  On a whim, for no reason or principal and just because . . .

That same day it happened to be a super-hot-super-duper-humid-only-on-the-south-shore-can-it-be-this-oppressive kind of day and although I generally avoid McDonald's, an M&M Sundae was not only desired but deemed absolutely necessary to the overall well being of both driver and passengers.  I ordered three at the drive-thru and pulled up to pay at the window and on a whim happened to glance down, I never glance down - what would you glance down for? This is what I saw . . .

Whoops?  Did somebody drop their wallet I asked the cashier.  No, he said, people just drop their change on the floor - especially if it is pennies, they can't be bothered.  Somebody will be by to sweep it up.  Of course, I had to halt the line to take a photo, I told him people back home will not believe me if I just tell this story, I need evidence and why doesn't McDonald's collect all dropped change and donate to it a hunger cause or something?  He shrugged, "Ma'am, will there be anything else?" which I think is cashier speak for 'listen lady, you are a little cooky and I am not sure about you, besides you are holding up the line to photograph 'sweeping change' so I would appreciate it if you would just move right along'. 

So speaking of arbitrary and change, I had a little fun with the photo, here is the McDonald's version:

That's about as eggs and tomato sauce (ketchup) as I could get it and for those of you who don't know me, that means yellow and red.  Money with no value is a sign we live in an affluent country I guess, but it is kinda sad so I made a blue one:

I think this might be my favorite because the pennies stand out so much.  So, what other color can I try?

What happens to those pennies, dimes and quarters?  Don't you think my suggestion is a good one?  I wonder if you could make a living stalking McDonald drive-thru's collecting change?  Maybe I could get them to pay me to keep their drive-thru clean!  Now there is a win-win, as in I win and I win again.  That reminds me of the Bee Gee's 'You Win Again' song which makes me think of my mom, she loves the Bee Gees.  Now how's THAT for arbitrary? 

Seriously though, that 'sweeping change' if collected from the thousands (hundreds of thousands?) McDonald's drive-thru's could make a significant change, a sweeping change to those less fortunate!  I may have to write a letter.  Pa-da-pa-pa-paaaaaaa - I'm lovin' it!

That's it from me this week.  Heids got in touch, begged forgiveness and asked for a respite which is fine by me, I was just worried about her.  Mariette and Linda, I would LOVE to join you for the interim, and since I can't darn well post replies either, it won't let me, here are my messages too:

Linda - dear sister-in law, loved your emails this week.  We had a bumper week so couldn't reply but maybe over the weekend.  Hazel did remind me about your birthday today, I hope it is a happy one - you deserve it and 43 is just a NUMBER.

Mariette - I was very touched that you emailed Linda to include me, it just validates what Linda always says about you being a sweet, kind person.  And also, I could completely relate to you as a mom when you wrote about Maxine, and here's unsolicited food for thought from a complete stranger who knows nothing:  I get so frustrated with 'normal' schools boxing our children in, they have narrow parameters and kids must stay in the lines and not cause any ripples to be considered 'good kids' and those that do well in that environment are even 'great kids' and I sometimes wonder if we are teaching our children how to become average, mediocre adults.  Students who rock the boat, make waves and challenge superiors to think differently (I mean constructively, not destructively) are labelled 'difficult'.  Are we clipping the wings of future visionaries?  That being said, 'special schools' have a much more interesting salad when it comes to students, having your daughter attend a school where she has a greater chance that individuality will be celebrated and she will meet a greater diversity of people could be good for her.  If you could choose a class where 30 kids are given the same picture to color in and they would all pass if they produced similar results, or a class where children were given a blank piece of paper and wax crayons, pencils and paints and only a theme and they could create their own masterpiece, which would you choose?  I know it is not that simple, and there are other things in her future that need to be considered and this is a big decision but it is also an opportunity for you to pick a place for Maxine to flourish.  'Normal' may mean life is easier, but it is also less noteworthy. 

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU - and again THANK YOU....One is for Heidi for getting in touch with you and the other is to you for forgiving and moving forward - THANK YOU to my special TUT partner and friend for offering an interim "home" whilst Heidi is on respite...And the biggest winner is live life as a play - Actually no, her creator and readers are the biggsest winners...Pam and Mariette - we will sort out next week's theme via e-mail....Lots of Love...
