Friday, July 29, 2011

Team Up Thursdays Trio (TUTT) - Topic: July

I chose my topic because we are nearing the end of July and knowing what was coming up I thought I could use one of the other photo's we have taken during the course of the month ('that's cheating!' some might say, I call it managing priorities and getting everybody what they want).  We had a record week at South Shore Organics and I am still a little dazed.  I woke up this morning and lay in bed thinking, we DID IT!  But how?  A record number of deliveries and not one complaint - this week we delivered, AND we delivered! 

My theme, my photo first:

As it turns out, I didn't evey take this photo but, I did try.  We had a massive, nation-wide heatwave last week with the hottest recorded successive national temperatures in how ever many years.  Americans like to do that, they like to know that not only was it hot, but it was hasn't been hotter in ages - maybe they feel like they've lived through something, survived!  And it was hot, and humid.  When you walked outside the heat enveloped you and smothered you with a slimy film of sweat - it was like leaning into a hot oven to get the freshly baked cookies.  So we did try to fry an egg on the asphalt but I couldn't bear to do it at noon and when we tried at 4pm it was too late and although our yolk turned hard, the clear runny bit only turned hazy - it didn't actually 'cook'.  The weather has been excessive all round - a crazy snow-filled winter turned into tornadoes and heat waves!

Linda's photo was very clever and used a pictogram - see if you can figure it out . . .

I thought perhaps it was ice crystal (it IS winter there after all and they DO get a lot of frost).  But I got it wrong, you can't read pictorgrams backwards anyway, only left to right!  Did you have better luck than I?  The answer is at the end of my post if you're stumped but don't dare skip to the end - you will miss out . . .

Mariette's lovely post just captured what it is to be a mom.  All the love, and giving, second guessing, questioning and hoping and praying you are making the right decisions for your babies.  It emphasized for me that no matter where you are in the world, what your culture is or what difficulties your children are presented with, motherhood is the same and all we can do is our best and hope that it is enough and I think if our children feel loved, it will be.  Here is her pic of Maxine:

You look like we felt this last week little Maxine! 

So because I did cheat somewhat, here are some photo's that I DID take this week . . .

I want to spend more time photographing bubbles sometime with my special camera, this was just my point and shoot and I never knew it would be SO hard taking a photo of a bubble - they don't hold still! 

July also means an annual picnic to the island in Cohasset harbour with Bill's family.  It is always a fun day.  Finally, and this is a fitting end . . . I took this picture on my way home yesterday and it was too late to submit to the ladies for this week but it probably would have been my choice.  I don't know these people, but it looked so romantic and intimate don't you think?  How nice to bring a couple of chairs, a bottle of wine and just 'be' . . . this photo makes me want to sigh.

That's it, next week we will be sure to get things moving.

Answer to the pictogram (backwards - like I read it):  !adniL eno dooG  ?ti teg - yluJ ro eye-leweJ

1 comment:

  1. A lovely post Pam...I like your last picture - it would have been a good "chosen" one, but still...Love the way you manage your priorities, Wander if that is why I struggle to be organised...because I don't manage my priorities with the same panache and flair that you do - hope you take that as a compliment cos it is meant to be one - Congrats on your record week for SSO....May it go from strength to strength (slowly though to give Mark and Pam time to catch up with it)....Lots of love...
