Saturday, July 2, 2011

Through the Eyes of ONLY ONE Sister, Topic: Perspective

Well, how's that for a loaded topic?  Heidi chose it, of course it is a lovely topic to photograph, lines, height, horizons, buildings, trees, low photos, high photos - the options are endless.  Instead of going there, I went here:

So, are you a glass half empty or glass half full person?  And when life hands you a lemon, can you, do you, will you make lemonade?  These cliched little one liners are supposed to inspire us to take a different view on things, look for the silver lining, seek out the good in terrible situations, a light at the end of the tunnel, a reason to go on.  My sister-in-law wrote in her blog (I Believe . . .) this week about Alison, a young woman in South Africa who faced unimaginable circumstances and overcame them.  According to Alison, happiness is a choice.  Life is a choice.  You can choose a glass half full of lemonade. 

Personally, I have had such a tough week that I am overwhelmed by the darkness, the light at the end of the tunnel is a flickering one and it is only a teeny tiny pinprick.  I don't know if I can get to that light, and if I do will be a blazing inferno, or just a vulnerable little candle.  Would it have been worth the effort?  That's the thing about doubt, it is the color of darkness.  It blocks out the light so that you can't see, it entombs you in a cocoon of uncertainty. 

This is why rose colored glasses are important, everybody should have a pair I think and if you don't have some, you need to get you some.  They make the darkness look all pink like candyfloss, and they magnify the light - they make the overwhelming seem achievable, and then the overwhelming becomes achievable. 

Rose colored glasses are not cheap, you need to have a healthy balance of faith, confidence and conviction to pay for them, and a little arrogance wouldn't hurt, but if you have rose colored glasses, you will definitely see lemonade.

Sometimes though, just sometimes, perhaps its prudent to be intelligent enough to throw all these cliches out the door and look down, realize you are holding a nearly empty glass of sour stuff, chuck it out and choose to get something else to drink!

How's that for cheesy?  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam - I love your post this week - Like Mariette - You are thinking out the box and giving us something different every week...Missing you stacks - Lots of love
